The roofing industry knows all too well that work must be performed when the sun is shining during the hottest summer months. We have got roofing workers covered with some Hi-Vis moisture wicking T-Shirts shown below. 不过,首先让我们来了解一下这个行业本身. 屋顶首先为家庭提供 防止高温、雨水和风暴的必要防护.
屋顶行业似乎在四处扩张 47 billion 在2018年,并没有显示出放缓的迹象. The industry 涉及到一些公司, repair, 在建筑物上安装屋顶, 使用多种材料. Companies also install siding and gutters, along with spraying roofs and sidings. 需要喷洒 装订、密封、绝缘和隔音部分.
新建筑约占所有屋顶业务的35%. 房屋开工和建筑活动 在屋顶部分发挥重要作用. 65%的屋顶工程都是围绕着翻新, 维修保养.
商用屋顶的平均寿命约为7年, due to the wind, falling trees, rain, and hail 暴风雨摧毁了屋顶.
天气事件导致屋顶提前更换. 龙卷风和飓风经常摧毁屋顶,这就导致 对屋顶更换和维修的需求与风暴活动密切相关.
有许多材料用于建造屋顶. 屋顶工人最常用的材料是 木瓦、石板、沥青、铝、木材或相关材料. 从安全的角度来看,材料会改变 hazards faced. For those installing a metal roof, wearing cut resistant gloves becomes a high priority. We cover 金属板材深度. 下面是屋顶的材料:
Most common residential roofing material used, low cost and easy to install, yet a short life span of 10-30 years.
铝,铜或不锈钢. 它不会破裂,分裂,腐烂或燃烧,而且通常会 last over 50 years. 金属确实需要定期喷漆.
天然石料被开采成块状并分成薄层. 防火持久,其中之一 最古老的屋顶材料,在东北大量使用.
高档外观,使用寿命长达70年. 非常昂贵和沉重.
自然的外观,并提供绝缘. 维护费用高,有火灾隐患.
盖屋顶不是每个人都适合的工作. 尽管如此,屋顶工人在2016年拥有约146,200个工作岗位. 最大的雇主 屋顶工人的情况如下:
屋面承包商 | 71% |
个体经营者 | 21% |
建筑物的建造 | 3% |
California, Florida, and Texas are where are the majority of roofing contractors are centered.
The 全国屋顶承包商协会 一个优秀的资源是什么 那些对探索屋顶世界感兴趣的人...
Roofing involves heavy lifting, sharp metal, climbing, bending, and working in very hot temperatures. They also 长时间工作,尤其是在繁忙的夏季. 安全的屋顶工作应该永远是一个焦点 for roofers. The height and sloped surfaces of roofs should be enough for a worker taking safety precautions. Throw in gusty winds, hot temperatures, icy shingles, power lines and the potential for falling; staying aware of the 危险是100%必要的.
数据也支持了这一点. There are 40% more injuries in roofing when compared to the average of all US Industries. 每100名员工中有5名.6 are injured.
基础、结构和建筑外部承包商 | 框架的承包商 | 23813 | 7.0 |
基础、结构和建筑外部承包商 | 结构钢和预制混凝土承包商 | 23812 | 6.3 |
基础、结构和建筑外部承包商 | 屋面承包商 | 23816 | 5.6 |
Please don’t underestimate the need for following safety procedures and wearing correct newbb电子 when roofing. OSHA 创建一个优秀的文件,所有屋顶应该阅读. Just click to the OSHA link 看了40多页 盖屋顶时要做好安全防护和个人防护.
With the risk of being injured being so high, there is no reason to not wear the correct newbb电子. Let us make you 了解针对特定屋顶危害的最佳newbb电子.
We've highlighted a lot of roofing information and thrown a bunch of industry stats at you. Now, the remaining part of this page showcases some of the most common roofing hazards and different newbb电子 options roofers should consider wearing while performing their work.
If you prefer to return to the main Construction home page, click the image below. From the home page, you'll be able to access any of the numerous construction industries we cover. 如果你想了解一些屋顶的特殊贸易危害, 请继续阅读下面的建设页面图像.
newbb电子平台 Safety专门的建筑行业资源页面.
Find the right newbb电子平台 Safety product that protects you against these common hazards.
屋顶安装涉及化学密封剂、粘合剂和清洁剂. 当这个特定的应用程序开始发挥作用时,请做好准备!
Lifting and carrying metal panels presents definite dangers to a worker’s back-of-hand when installing.
盖屋顶会产生很多灰尘. Lined eyewear that fits close to your to your cheeks and eyebrows is a must for these workers.
了解更多关于防尘的知识newbb电子平台 Safety’s coveralls, jeans and Hi-Vis pants will keep a roofer’s lower legs from being exposed.
Short-sleeved Hi-Vis shirts with Wicking properties ensure workers stay comfortable.
了解更多关于高温保护建筑中到处都是飞扬的材料和碎片. 屋顶工人使用钉枪, shingle strippers, tin snips, 电锯和空气压缩机必须随时准备和保护.
了解更多有关视力受损的保护newbb电子平台 Safety生产和供应个人防护装备(newbb电子). 简单地说,我们保护人民! We are known world-wide for our extensive product line depth surrounding gloves, glasses, 服装横跨众多行业. 我们提供的安全装备包括工业手套的总包, safety glasses, 防护服装, welding gear, industrial boots, 阻燃(FR)齿轮, face shields, and much more. 仅从手套的角度来看, newbb电子平台安全制造商和供应商超过1家,000只不同款式的手套. 以下是newbb电子平台 Safety是你选择newbb电子的一些原因:
newbb电子平台 Safety is recognized as a global manufacturer stretching across six countries, 拥有分销和制造设施. Our core competency and specialty is manufacturing and supplying protective gloves, glasses, and garments. newbb电子平台 Safety网站上显示和提供的信息, 它的安全条款, 行业资源页面, highlighted hazards and safety equipment should be used only as a general reference tool and guide. The end user is solely responsible for determining the suitability of any product selection for a particular application. newbb电子平台 Safety makes no guarantee or warranty (expressed or implied) of our products’ performance or protection for particular applications.