Over the centuries, progress has been forged in the blacksmiths fire. 人类一直在操纵金属, hammering out metal and forging metal across the millenniums. You would figure as much, since metals make up 2/3 of all elements.
如果人类没有学会塑造金属,我们今天生活的现代文明就不会存在. 现代文明中锻造金属制品的一些例子:喷气式飞机, 火箭, 建筑, 和远洋班轮.
Companies in this industry manufacture formed and stamped metal products. When it comes to reshaping metal by means of stamping and forging, 这个过程包括将金属放入各种机器中,以创造新的形状和零件. Common products made from forging operations are metal light fixtures, 搪瓷制品, 家用电器外壳, 烹饪用具. Here is a look at some of the machines and processes used in this industry:
Power is applied to a slide in order to draw or stamp metal. 当用手插入、握住和取出库存金属材料时,会发生危险.
Equipment that bends metal: Power Presses, Press Brakes and Tubing Benders.
为了冲裁、拉丝或冲压金属而对滑块施加动力. 当用手插入、握住和取出库存金属材料时,会发生危险.
Equipment that punches metal: Power Presses and Iron Workers.
Applying power to a slide or knife in order to trim or shear metal. 当用手插入、握住和取出库存金属材料时,会发生危险.
Equipment that shears metal: Mechanically Powered Shears, Hydraulically Powered Shears and Pneumatically Powered Shears.
经常被忽视的是许多帮助打造现代金属世界的工人, 通常是用他们自己的蛮力. 劳工统计局(BLS)的数据显示超过95个,000名工人 are employed in the forging and stamping metal industry. 和其他金属制造行业一样, 金属工人占大多数职业, 超过43个,000名工人. 一个独特的职业构成了大量的就业是那些切割和冲压金属, 超过13人,000年就业. 这些工人锯金属、切割金属、劈开金属、弯曲金属和拉直金属. 这些工人肯定想看看我们的 切断保护页.
点击一个职业来扩展和了解更多.Assemble finished products, along with parts and pieces that go into them. 有超过1个.8 million people employed across the US in an assembly and fabrication position. 你会发现这个工人正在组装螺栓, 使用许多不同类型的工具, 搬运重的部件. There are around 4,900 of these workers in 锻造和冲压.
操作锯、切、剪、开缝、打孔、卷曲、缺口、弯曲或拉直金属的机器. There are around 13,500 of this occupation in 锻造和冲压. 你会发现这些工人对准金属零件,磨掉毛刺或锋利的边缘. This makes cut resistant gloves a high priority for this worker. 这个职位常见的职位名称是模具技师, 媒体运营商, 机器设置和操作员, 冲床操作员.
操作机器锥度,形状和成形金属. 大约7%的劳动力从事这一职业. 你会发现这些工人正在拆卸模具、锻造锤子和移动金属工件. 这个职位常见的头衔是伪造者, 铁匠, 锤运营商, 锻压操作工.
Lubricates machines, changes parts, and performs machinery maintenance. You will find these workers cleaning machines and machine parts. 清洁溶剂,油部件和金属加工液是这些工人明确关注的问题. Common Job titles for this position are Lubricator, Maintenance Man, and Oiler.
工人的活动包括修理、安装和调整工业机械. There are around 1,100 of these workers are in 锻造和冲压. 你会发现这些工人切割和焊接金属来修复损坏的金属部件. Job titles for this position are Fixer, Industrial and Master Mechanic.
Operate machines designed to cut, shape and form metal. 这个行业超过40%的劳动力从事这个职业,大约有43000人.
维修工人保存和修理机器、机械设备或正在修理的建筑物的结构. There are around 4,600 of these workers in 锻造和冲压. 你会发现这些工人安装管道,修理设备,修理建筑物. 这个职位的职位名称是维修工人、维修机械师和设施经理.
操作切割机和成型机. 大约7.5% of the workforce falls into this occupation, with roughly 15,800 workers. 这个职位常见的职位名称是数控机床设置,数控机械师和数控操作员. 接触危险设备一直是一个问题.
Operate forging machines to taper, shape, or form metal. There are around 4,200 of these workers in 锻造和冲压. 你会发现这些工人在磨尖边缘和角落,同时抛光金属. Common Job titles for this position are 锤运营商, 锻压操作工, 铁匠和工艺技术员.
操作钢板、轧辊和压平机器. Around 1,400 of this occupation works in the 锻造和冲压 行业. You will find them working around shears, grinders and adjusting machines. 该职位的常见职位名称是轧机操作员,轧机操作员和轧辊成形操作员.
操作焊接,钎焊或钎焊机器,焊接,钎焊或热处理金属产品. The 锻造和冲压 行业 employs around 3,700 employees. You will find these workers adding material to work pieces, 连接金属部件, 并对成品工件进行退火处理. 这个职位常见的职位名称是制造者, Mig焊机, 点焊机, Fitter-Welder, 钎焊操作工.
使用手工焊接, 气割, 手焊, 和钎焊设备焊接/连接金属部件, 填补, 压痕, 或金属制品的接缝. There are around 2,700 of these workers in 锻造和冲压. 你会发现这些工人焊接组件在平,垂直或架空位置. 该职位常见的职位名称是维护焊工,Mig焊工和焊工/制造工.
尽管这个行业不像机械车间行业那样有大量的工人, the BLS shows the forging and stamping industry as one of the most dangerous. 这些工人必须处理很多金属,这意味着割伤的风险很高. 平均, 该行业的可记录伤害比金属制造行业平均水平高出20%以上. Out of every 100 employees, there are 6 recordable cases, compared to 4.4 .适用于整个金属制造行业.
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Find the right newbb电子平台安全 product that protects you against these common hazards.
Metal material can cause a lot of scraped hands, abrasions and cuts. You're going to need some gloves when unloading and transporting metal!
Forging and stamping experiences 20% more recordable injuries. Rolling metal and handling metal are likely reasons for cut injuries.
了解更多关于尖锐物体的保护newbb电子平台安全 manufactures and supplies Personal Protective Equipment (newbb电子). 简单地说,我们保护人民! We are known world-wide for our extensive product line depth surrounding gloves, 眼镜, 服装横跨众多行业. We offer the total package of safety gear encompassing industrial gloves, 安全眼镜, 防护服装, 焊接设备, 工业的靴子, 阻燃(FR)齿轮, 面盾牌, 还有更多. 仅从手套的角度来看, newbb电子平台安全制造商和供应商超过1家,000只不同款式的手套. Here are some of the many reasons newbb电子平台安全 is your go to source for newbb电子:
newbb电子平台安全 is recognized as a global manufacturer stretching across six countries, 拥有分销和制造设施. 我们的核心竞争力和专长是生产和供应防护手套, 眼镜, 和服装. The information shown and provided on newbb电子平台安全’s website, 它的安全条款, 行业资源页面, 突出的危险和安全设备应仅作为一般参考工具和指南. 最终用户全权负责确定任何产品选择对特定应用的适用性. newbb电子平台安全不保证或保证(明示或暗示)我们的产品的性能或特定应用的保护.