中游行业收集和运输原油, natural gas, 精炼石油产品, and slurry. Companies across this industry provide the vital link between producers and refiners. This means moving oil and gas across miles and miles of pipelines to industrial, 商业和住宅终端用户.
Pipelines, tank terminals, 油轮都是运输原油和天然气所需的基础设施.
来自上游生产井的石油和天然气通过小型管道网络输送, 通常直径2到8英寸, 到一个中央操作地点. Treatment facilities and processing plants are the common destination. In the US alone, 有超过72个,000英里的原油系统管道,另外200万英里的干线和其他天然气管道.
Pipe Material | Total Miles |
Plastic | 689007.4 |
Steel | 544307.8 |
Iron | 29982.8 |
Other Materials | 930.2 |
Copper | 19.9 |
Most gathering and transmission pipelines are made of plastics and steel. 一定要看看我们的 钢管制造页面.
Main | Services | Total Miles | Operator Count | |||
Calendar Year | Total Miles | Operator Count | Total Miles | Operator Count | ||
2017 | 1,295,944.9 | 1352 | 921,057.7 | 1357 | 2,223,003.7 | 1372 |
2016 | 1,286,754.9 | 1353 | 923,563.1 | 1359 | 2,210,318.0 | 1374 |
2015 | 1,277,025.2 | 1345 | 913,129.8 | 136 | 2,190,154.9 | 1368 |
2014 | 1,266,408.7 | 1362 | 902,903.4 | 1371 | 2,169,312.1 | 1385 |
2013 | 1,255,383.6 | 1363 | 894,352.8 | 1370 | 2,149,736.3 | 1387 |
2012 | 1,247,706.4 | 1350 | 890,429.3 | 1357 | 2,138,135.8 | 1373 |
2011 | 123,176.6 | 1331 | 882,022.3 | 1333 | 2,121,198.9 | 1349 |
2010 | 1,229,884.1 | 1320 | 872,528.1 | 1318 | 2,102,412.2 | 1335 |
Pipelines are primarily connected to the largest natural gas supply areas: Eagle Ford、Marcellus、Bakken、Utica、uta Permian、Haynesville、Fayetteville和Barnett. 近年来天然气产量增长迅速, due to activity within the Utica and Marcellus Shale natural gas formations, 增加了对额外现场集油管的需求.
Surface facilities measure the production rate of oil, gas, and water that is produced. 最重要的是, 这些设施分离石油, 气体和水相互分离, 同时也去除杂质. 天然气加工厂分离碳氢化合物气体液体, 烃类气体, 还有天然气中的水.
Involves transporting crude oil and natural gas over long distances.
原油流经美国庞大的管道输配基础设施. 跨阿拉斯加管道平均输送1.每天800万桶石油.
In recent years, Keystone输油管道, 拟议的延期, 从哈迪斯开始, Alberta, 并向南延伸至斯蒂尔城, Nebraska, 一直是争论的焦点. 它最终将把石油从加拿大阿尔伯塔省运送到美国的炼油厂.
在基础设施匮乏的情况下,石油就是这样输送的, 比如北达科他州的巴肯地区, 或者当更灵活的选择是首选时. 2012年,巴肯大约75%的石油是用卡车运输的. 近年来,由于中游基础设施的增加,这一数字一直在下降.
天然气由于其温度高而储存在地下. 因为天然气不能储存在井附近或井内, 在这个过程中有一些细微的不同.
In 1942, America was at war with the Axis Powers. Vessels carrying oil were sunk all across the Gulf of Mexico and eastern shores. 维持油的流动, 需要一条巨大的管道, 将石油从德克萨斯输送到东海岸. 解决方案是采用直径为24英寸的“大英寸”管道! 如果没有这条巨大的管道,一些历史学家质疑盟军是否能赢得战争. 以下图片来自美国国会图书馆.
当外部因素不起作用时, like a war, 管道和运输行业仍然处于生产商和炼油厂之间. 来自商业、工业和零售市场的强劲需求影响了上游生产. However, 当经济衰退时, 炼油活动减少, 这意味着对生产商的石油需求减少了. 这两种情况都会影响管道基础设施, which in turn affects the number of workers needed for developing the pipelines.
The good news is the world needs more pipeline infrastructure to keep up with demand. The IEA concludes that another $640 billion investment is needed for E&P spending through at least 2040, an increase over the current $430 billion. 未来几年,管道和管道基础设施的建设将呈上升趋势.
中游公司的业务是将石油和天然气从A地转移到B地. 以下是其中最大的一些:
newbb电子 | Total Employees |
科赫管道公司 | 120,000 |
Phillips 66 | 14,600 |
Enbridge | 11,000 |
Kinder Morgan | 10,800 |
TransCanada | 7,200 |
企业产品合作伙伴 | 6,800 |
Sunoco | 6,500 |
美洲平原 | 5,000 |
Spectra Energy | 5,700 |
百夫长管道 | 2,900 |
newbb电子 | Total Employees |
Sinopec (China) | 249,142 |
Transneft(俄罗斯) | 106,000 |
transft和中国石油天然气集团公司是IAOT的一部分, 国际石油运输协会, 哪个国家支持国际石油运输和储存, 国家和地区层面.
以下是整个行业的一些工人,当需求波动时,他们会受到影响: (点击一个职业来展开并了解更多.)
在建筑工地从事体力劳动. There are roughly around 2,600 of these workers found in Pipeline Transportation. 你会发现这些工人使用手工工具, 修理钻井设备, 运输材料. 佣工、劳工、后框工和建筑工人.
Install, repair, 并维护机械调节和控制装置及其他机械调节器. There are a little over 1,700 of these workers in Pipeline Transportation. 你会发现这些工人正在修理机械控制装置, 润滑机械部件, 安装电表. 这类工人的常见职位是控制阀技术员, 服务技术员, 及阀门技术员.
通过控制压缩机来分配或处理气体,以保持主要管道上的规定压力. 管道运输行业有5000多名这样的工人. 你会看到这个工人在操作工厂设备, 监控易燃产品, 控制压缩机. 该工人的职称是气体控制员和设备操作员.
Lubricates machines, changes parts, and performs machinery maintenance. Pipeline Transportation employs a little over 7,200 of these workers. 你会发现这些工人正在清洗机器和机器零件. Cleaning solvents, oil and metalworking fluids are a definite concern for these workers. Common Job titles for this position are Lubricator, Maintenance Man, and Oiler.
Worker activities include repairing, installing, and adjusting industrial machinery. There are around 3,100 of this occupation working in Pipeline Transportation. You will find these workers cutting and welding metal to repair broken metal parts. Job titles for this position are Fixer, Industrial and Master Mechanic.
帮助跨操作部门转移材料. There are around 3,400 of these workers in Pipeline Transportation. 你会发现这些工人操作传送带、运输材料和操作机器. 常见的职称是工人和操作员.
操作石油精炼或加工装置. 管道运输行业大约有6300名这样的工人. 你会发现这些工人在监视仪表, 打开阀门调节油的流量, 和操作歧管/泵系统. 这个职位的常见职位是计量工、主管操作员、泵工和炼油厂操作员
组装,安装,更改和维修管道. 管道运输行业大约有1700名这样的工人. You will find these workers hammering pipes, securing pipes, and cutting piples. Common job titles for this position are Pipe Fitter, Pipe Welder, and Steamfitter.
使用手工焊接, flame-cutting, hand soldering, 和钎焊设备焊接/连接金属部件, fill holes, indentations, 或金属制品的接缝. There are around 280 of these workers employed in Pipeline Transportation. You will find these workers welding components in flat, vertical or overhead positions. 该职位常见的职位名称是维护焊工,Mig焊工和焊工/制造工
操作焊接,钎焊或钎焊机器,焊接,钎焊或热处理金属产品. 管道运输公司雇佣了大约290名这样的工人. 你会发现这些工人在往工件上添加材料, 连接金属部件, 并对成品工件进行退火处理. 这个职位常见的职位名称是制造者, Mig Welder, Spot Welder, Fitter-Welder, 钎焊操作工.
在任何管道作业现场,安全都是头等大事,因为现场存在着无穷无尽的危险. 焊接管道、清洁管道和掉落物体等许多活动都有危险.
The Pipeline industry ranks as the second most hazardous Oil and Gas sub-industry, when compared to the Oil Extraction sub-industry and Refineries sub-industry. 不过,值得庆幸的是,每100名员工的事故发生率远低于其他工业行业. This is a testament to the value placed on working safely across pipeline worksites.
对于那些在拉斯维加斯度周末的人来说,赌博可能很有趣. 为那些可能因修建管道而失明的人, 赌博不是一种选择,对于那些发现自己眼睛受伤而住进医院的人来说也不好玩. 不要佩戴不合适的个人防护装备进行赌博!
在newbb电子平台安全,我们保护人民! 让我们帮助您找到适合您所面临危险的个人防护装备!
Find the right newbb电子平台 Safety product that protects you against these common hazards.
管道维护需要喷洒化学品. Our MG9648 is so lightweight; workers will not even know they are wearing gloves.
Hand removal of these materials requires gloves, aprons, and goggles.
占所有可记录石油的56% & Gas incidents in 2014 were attributed to "struck by" and "caught between” objects. Simply put, oil and gas work will quickly bang up a worker’s back-of-hands. 你准备好接受新的冲击标准了吗?
了解更多关于挤压和冲击保护中游工人必须随时穿戴FR装备. Max Comfort FR gear protects workers from all too common Flash Fires.
Staying FR compliant in the rain and around liquids has always been a challenge. Not anymore! 大杰克雨衣保护工人免受电弧闪光危害!
了解更多关于恶劣天气和FR防护的信息You are going to need steel toed boots when working around the presence of water, 化学危害, 还有坠落的物体.
中游工人经常接触锋利的金属. Cuts and lacerations make up 7 percent of all oil and gas injury claims. Rest assured, we simplify the selection process on our cut protection page.
了解更多关于尖锐物体的保护Moving and removing soil with pressured water requires face shields, 护目镜和漂亮的皮手套.
Working in low light and high traffic areas means workers need to be seen! Hi-Viz服装能区分工人,让他们不被人看见!
newbb电子平台 Safety manufactures and supplies Personal Protective Equipment (newbb电子). 简单地说,我们保护人民! We are known world-wide for our extensive product line depth surrounding gloves, glasses, 服装横跨众多行业. We offer the total package of safety gear encompassing industrial gloves, safety glasses, 防护服装, welding gear, 工业的靴子, 阻燃(FR)齿轮, face shields, and much more. 仅从手套的角度来看, newbb电子平台安全制造商和供应商超过1家,000只不同款式的手套. Here are some of the many reasons newbb电子平台 Safety is your go to source for newbb电子:
newbb电子平台 Safety is recognized as a global manufacturer stretching across six countries, 拥有分销和制造设施. Our core competency and specialty is manufacturing and supplying protective gloves, glasses, and garments. newbb电子平台 Safety网站上显示和提供的信息, 它的安全条款, 行业资源页面, 突出的危险和安全设备应仅作为一般参考工具和指南. 最终用户全权负责确定任何产品选择对特定应用的适用性. newbb电子平台 Safety不保证或保证(明示或暗示)我们的产品的性能或特定应用的保护.